Call for Paper
Department of Management Research, Faculty of Management, Prithvi Narayan Campus invites research articles from the interested national and international researchers and scholars for the Volume-XI, Issue-1, 2018 of The Journal of Nepalese Business Studies (JNBS). The journal is a peer-reviewed, open access journal that covers a wide range of research on business, marketing, finance, accounting, financial institutions and markets, management, local government finance and other subject related to business administration.
The journal is published annually and appears both in print and online. Manuscript submitted in response to this invitation will be processed with high priority. Important dates are as follows:
Final Date of Manuscript Submission: 21st October, 2018
Review Process: 21st October-16th November, 2018
Reviewer's Comment Notification -25th November, 2018
Resubmission of Reviewed Paper: 30th November, 2018
Final Selection: 5th December, 2018
Journal Publication: 28th December, 2018
A soft copy of the manuscript in MS Word and an abridged CV must be submitted to the following Email ID:
For details about the submission of paper, please refer to the author guidelines attached herewith or visit the campus website
Indra Prasad Sharma
The Journal of Nepalese Business Studies (JNBS)
Department of Management Research
Faculty of Management
Prithvi Narayan Campus
Guidelines for Paper Submission
The Journal of Nepalese Business Studies (JNBS) is a management journal published annually in December by Faculty of Management, Prithvi Narayan Campus. From the forthcoming issue (volume XI), it will be published as a peer-reviewed journal. Articles for the journal must be of high quality, research-based and within the scope of the journal.
Submitted manuscript must be original work not previously published, and being considered elsewhere for publication. The accepted paper for publication will not be published anywhere without the permission of the Editorial Board. The submitted paper will undergo a double blindfold review subject to the approval of the Editorial Board. However, the ideas and opinions expressed in the papers published in the Journal of Nepalese Business Studies will be of authors and in no way represent views and policies of Faculty of Management/the Editorial Board. Authors submitting paper should comply with the following guidelines:
1. Submitted manuscripts should be written in English.
2. All submissions should be a single Microsoft Word file, with tables and figures (graphs) embedded within them. Tables and figures must have captions and should be numbered with Arabic numerals. Please check that your text contains a reference to each table or figure. If your tables or figures are not compatible with portrait orientation in the text, each landscape orientated table or figure should be typed on a separate page at the end of the paper.
3. A manuscript must have a minimum of 4,000 words, but should not exceed 7,000 words of single line space A4 size paper and written in Times New Roman 12 point font size.
4. Papers should be consistent in style throughout, especially if different authors have contributed sections. All submissions are expected to contain scholarly citations, including layout formats of APA (6th edition) style. The following components should be included in all paper to be submitted for the consideration for publication:
Author's information (name, position, affiliation, address, email address)
Abstract (not more than 250 words)
Keywords (not more than five words or phrases)
Main headings (sub-headings are optional; include introduction, body with several headings, and conclusion)
Acknowledgements (Optional)
5. All submissions must include a cover page that bears the title of the article, the author’s name and affiliation, and an abstract with keywords. The name of the author should not appear in any part of the text.
6. All submissions will be assessed by two blindfold reviewers to determine whether they fall within the nature of our journal and meet our requirements.
7. The respective authors should take all ethical responsibility for submitted and published articles; if submitted articles are found plagiarized they will directly be rejected without review. The authors should also agree on the terms and conditions of the copyright authorization of the articles to the journal while submitting the final version of the articles.
8. Submissions that deviate from the above guidelines will not be returned to the author/s for correction but the author/s will be informed about the status of the paper.
For any dispute regarding the selection of the manuscript for publication, the decision of the editorial board will be final. Authors should e-mail their manuscripts to:
The Editorial Board
The Journal of Nepalese Business Studies
Department of Management Research
Faculty of Management
Prithvi Narayan Campus
Published by: Faculty of Mgmt
Published on 2018-08-21
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